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Exhibition "passion for medea. ambrotypes of the latest generation»

Three Russian artists offer a new look at the myth of Medea and find unexpected meanings in it.

This summer, the art attic of the MARS Center for Contemporary Art hosts an exhibition of artists who experiment with photographic digital technologies and shaping in optical glass.

Andrey Molchanovsky, Daria Shanqsina and Alexander Boguslavsky share their vision of the legend of Medea, an ancient witch who is ready to commit a crime for the sake of love. Following the ambiguous heroine, visitors will immerse themselves in the mysteries of the past, talk about the present and try to look into the future.

When creating works, the authors turned to ambrotype, a photographic method of the century before last, which allows you to "get into the inner world" of a person. The resulting prints were colored with fingers. In addition to these fascinating images, the exposition consists of unusual dynamic sculptures, every detail of which is a symbol.

All this is demonstrated under the composition of Alexei Optinsky for the film "Medea".

Vernissage - June 23 at 19:00. On this day, guests will enjoy a public talk with the curator of the exhibition, a DJ performance and a performance by Daria Shanqina, based on an interesting idea by Salvador Dali. The audience will become participants in the process.

Payment by Pushkin card is available.

For more information, please visit official site of the site.

пер. Пушкарёв, д. 5
June 23, 2022-August 23, 2022