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Exhibition "russian epic in stone"

Legends about the Ural stonecutters have gone around the world – one has only to remember Bazhov's fairy tales. But their skill lives not only in fairy tales. The Fabergé Museum invites you to admire the works of modern authors and get acquainted with the history of Ural stone-cutting art.

Traditions of processing artistic stone in the Urals arose about 300 years ago. They originated in the era of Peter I: thanks to the reforms of the emperor, Western European technologies came to the country, and Russian masters, in turn, gained fame and recognition abroad. Ural stonecutters began to cooperate with the company of Carl Faberge.

The skill of stonecutters, like any other, was first passed from master to apprentice, and in the Soviet years he continued to be taught at the Art and Trade School No. 42 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Modern stonecutters are the heirs of outstanding artisans of the past; they carefully preserve traditions and create amazingly beautiful works of art.

The exhibition brings together the works of the masters of the Stone-Cutting House Alexey Antonov and the Svyatogor studio, the largest stone-cutting enterprises in Yekaterinburg. Many of them are created in the technique of three-dimensional mosaic: every detail is carved from stone of the desired color, and all of them are carefully fitted to each other so as to make a single figure. The heroes of the compositions are characters of fairy tales and epics, princes and a variety of Russian types. The works presented at the exhibition are part of the large-scale collection of the Shmotyev Family Foundation.

Details — on the official website.

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наб. реки Фонтанки, д. 21
June 29, 2022-September 29, 2022