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Concert of jazz philharmonic orchestra "music of st. petersburg composers"

Many of us have no problem naming at least five jazz musicians, and even guessing their compositions from three notes. But what can you say about the St. Petersburg jazzmen? Why talk -- you have to listen!

For the first time Jazz Philharmonic Orchestra performed in front of the public in 2009 at the festival in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Philharmonic of Jazz Music. And this marked the beginning of a great musical path. Today the team boasts performances at the leading venues in St. Petersburg and participation in the opening of the Sochi Olympics. In addition, they have repeatedly shared the stage with the most famous of modern jazz musicians. Among them there are, for example, David Goloshchekin, John Marshall, Todd Herbert, Catherine Russell and others.

Over the years of its existence, Jazz Philharmonic Orchestra has accumulated many of its own works (just imagine - 16 people in the team, well, how not to create here!), but musicians also perform long-known works that have become classics of world jazz. Therefore, from the concert Jazz Philharmonic Orchestra you can safely expect the most curious musical program and bold arrangements. Although, in jazz, probably, it can not be otherwise.

More details can be found on the site, VKontakte, as well as in the Telegram.

проспект Загородный, дом 27
July 28, 2022 7:00 PM-July 28, 2022